Monthly Maintenance Walks
We understand more than anyone that issues can arise and training can regress in certain areas over time. We're here to offer a solution! ​
Our group training will be exclusive to our Xcaliber Dog Training alumni and geared towards focusing on specific issues that your dog may have developed since their training. While we like to pride ourselves on giving you (the owner) the tools to handle these situations, sometimes it can require a bit more TLC. With our in-person coaching, you won't have to rely on a YouTube video, or an online "one-size fits all" approach to your problem. Instead, you will gain insight and professional guidance from an experienced trainer to find a reliable solution to your problem(s). If you're not having deficiencies in training, this can be a great opportunity to socialize your dog even further and challenge their skills!
Our goal is to foster a positive learning environment and build a community to help each other reach our full potential. After all, we all share the same commonality: the unconditional love for our four-legged children!
Where: Robert L.B. Tobin Park - 100 Ira Lee Rd San Antonio, TX 78218
When: 2/22/24 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
What to bring:
- Training equipment necessities (E-collars, slip leads, prong collars etc.)
- Muzzles (if your dog has reactivity/aggression-related issues)
- Place table, cot, place bed (optional)
Please RSVP your spot before showing up, and please keep in mind that this is a GROUP event in a location that your dog may not be familiar with. They will also be around other people and dogs that may not be familiar. All that we ask is that you maintain a safe distance and are courteous to other dog teams during the training.